peace lily
Numerous studies have shown that being around plants can significantly reduce depression, stress, anxiety and other mental health conditions. Research shows houseplants can lower stress, lift your spirits, and even make you whizzier at work. They'll make your home look gorgeous and give your mind a lovely, calming boost. 

Peace lilies have an elegant, calming presence, and provide the added benefit of removing harmful chemicals from the air, so they will improve your living space in many ways. For that reason, many people consider peace lilies to be lucky plants and bring good health. 

The Peace Lily originates from the tropical rainforests of Colombia and Venezuela, a real shadow plant which loves a warm, humid environment. In 1870 the plant was introduced into Europe and has experienced a huge amount of development since then. The beautiful peace lily tops NASA's list for removing all three of most common air pollutants — formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Peace Lily can also battle toluene and xylene really effectively. 


peace lily indoor plants
  • Stress relief: One study found that people with depression who were exposed to peace lilies had lower stress levels and improved moods.  
  • Anxiety reduction: Peace lilies can help reduce anxiety in people without dementia
  • Calming presence: Peace lilies are known to have an elegant and calming presence. 
  • Indoor gardening: Working with plants can be therapeutic, and indoor gardening can help people with anxiety, depression, and other conditions. 
  • Air Purification Properties. 
  • Natural Air Freshener. 
  • Excellent at Regulating Humidity. 
  • Reduces Mould Spores in the Air. 
  • Non-Allergenic Flowers or Spathes. 
  • Great for Boosting Mental Health. 
  • Improves Sleep Quality.
  • A Low Maintenance Plant. 

spiritual lilies
In accordance with Vastu, the peace lily plant not only purifies the air but also keeps unwelcome energies out of the space. According to Vastu, the best directions to place a peace lily are north-east, east, and north. The south direction is generally not recommended. 

Some say that the peace lily is a good plant for the Taurus zodiac sign because it's both hardy and beautiful. The plant's positive energy makes it beneficial for emotional health as well. This flower represents peace, harmony, purity, and innocence after death. 

The Peace Lily includes all plants in the spathiphyllum genus. Spathiphyllum means “peace and prosperity” in Latin. The Peace Lily helps them tune into their intuition and connect with the divine, allowing them to find answers and guidance in times of confusion. In addition, the Peace Lily is also used in Piscean rituals and ceremonies to invoke peace and compassion for both themselves and others. 

It brings good fortune, besides promoting inner peace, happiness, and prosperity in both material and spiritual matters. Hence, it makes sense to keep a lily at your home or office for good luck all year round. 

types of lilies
The Peace Lily is a flower that has been valued and revered in different cultures throughout history due to its symbolism of peace and harmony. In Eastern culture, the Peace Lily is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The Peace Lily is a flower that has been valued and revered in many different cultures throughout history due to its symbolism of peace and harmony. 

Symbolically, lilies are associated with purity of heart and soul, spirituality, divinity, new beginnings, the cyclical nature of life, beauty, elegance, love, and sympathy for the departed. White lilies symbolize purity, innocence, modesty, and the restored innocence of the soul. 

It is not just about the aesthetic though; Peace Lilies have been proven to combat harmful household chemicals including benzene – a known carcinogen. The Peace Lily is also highly effective at removing mould spores from the air. To get the real benefits place yours in a bathroom, kitchen or laundry room. 

Like the golden pothos, peace lilies are also on NASA's top list of air purifiers, making them one of the best plants to help you sleep better. As well as purifying the air, removing toxins and increasing humidity, the peace lily releases large amounts of oxygen throughout the entire day. 

colours of peace lily
Your Peace Lily enjoys weekly waterings, but it will tell you when it needs water by drooping its leaves. During the winter months feel free to only water your plant fortnightly. Peace lilies are also known to perform well in air-conditioned rooms. 

Peace lilies thrive in spots with bright, indirect sunlight. It does not like cold draughts, so choose a location away from doors and fireplaces. Peace lilies are used to a tropical environment, so a humid room, such as a bathroom or kitchen, is ideal. 

Peace Lily's are incredibly adaptable to a wide range of indirect light (low to bright). The more indirect light the Peace Lily gets, the more it will bloom. How long a peace lily lives depends on its care and environment. 

Many people consider three to five years an average peace lily lifespan. However, indoor peace lilies have been known to live two decades or more. 

red peace lilies
