Beach Therapy

Ocean therapy is also known as Beach Therapy or Beach Healing, Sea Therapy, or Thalassotherapy. Named from the Greek word for sea or ocean – thalassa – this form of Holistic Therapy uses seawater, the salty ocean air, and spa therapy to help improve the wellbeing of those with physical and mental health conditions. 

Many studies have shown how those who live next to the ocean experience less psychological distress. People dwelling near the ocean tend to be calmer and have fewer anger outbursts. Just the sound of the water and the waves crashing against the shore can immediately relieve any negative feelings you may have. 


Reduces Depression: The negative ions present in the breeze can help in the calming brain. It works as a natural antidepressant. So visiting a beach when you are feeling down, depressed will lift your mood and overall wellbeing. The beach is often considered relaxing for several reasons. The sound of waves crashing, the smell of saltwater, and the feel of warm sand can create a calming atmosphere. It calms the mind with the meditational ebb and flow of the tides, lowering anxiety and stress, reducing headaches, and lifting depression. 

Good for Hair: Salt water is an excellent exfoliator and also stimulates blood flow in the scalp. This ensures that more nutrients get to the hair follicles, which results in healthier hair. Salt has anti-fungal properties and helps get rid of fungus-induced dandruff by reducing moisture. Sea water is a natural shampoo. 

Health and Beauty: Seawater is rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and iodine, which can benefit our skin health. A dip in the ocean not only rejuvenates our skin but also aids in the detoxification process. The saltwater can help cleanse pores, exfoliate dead skin cells, and promote a healthy glow. 

The Blue Mind Effect: It shows the positive effect on our bodies when we are close to water. Even staring at water bodies fills most of us with a meditative sense of calm and feelings of contentment. This meditative state is what Dr. Nichols calls the “Blue Mind". 

Short walks along the beach can boost your mood and affect your mental health. This is because the beach is considered a blue space -- a water source such as an ocean, lake, pond, or swimming pool. 

Vitamin Sea: Seawater strengthens the body against many viruses, low defenses, bacteria and pathogens. Also, the sound of the crashing waves has a healing affect on the mind. Also rich in magnesium, seawater helps release stress, relax your muscles, promote deep sleep and spiritually cleanse your aura.

Vitamin D : Sun is the best source of vitamin D. The sunlight soaking into our skin at the beach spikes our bodies' production of Vitamin D and serotonin, releasing all kinds of feel-good chemicals in our brains. You can visit the coastline to get vitamin D. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. A beach will help you leave stress behind, when you stare at waves upon waves, your mind seems to become quiet. The solution becomes the focus while the worry is being pushed way back. 

No limits to Space for Exercise: There is no jostling for space. There is no competition for your attention or thumping music. Instead, there is soft sea sand which is all the better for your workout. A post-workout casual swim even helps to burn some calories. 

Good for Lungs: According to the Lung Institute, ocean air improves respiratory functions. Sea air is full of negative ions, which, research suggests, improve the ability to absorb oxygen. 

Good for Asthma: Sea air, which contains iodine, salt, and magnesium, encourages respiratory health and can reduce the symptoms of asthma, promote respiratory health, improve allergies and skin problems, and stimulate the immune system. Elements in the seawater activate the body's healing mechanisms and support healing for diseases, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis and localized aches and pains. 


Feeling of Happiness: The harmonious sound of the waves, the calming cool blue waters, and white sand lend a soothing backdrop of colors and sound to calm our minds. The vastness of the beach provides a sense of safety, not having hidden threats. The fact that you can unplug and connect with nature is another reason that makes us happy.  

Evidence suggests that spending time outdoors can improve brain health, reduce blood pressure and calm symptoms of anxiety and depression. So do visit a coastline or beach to rejuvenate yourself and try to find a new you.  
