Snowshoeing involves walking over snow with the assistance of snowshoes, a type of outer footwear that features a wide frame to distribute the weight of the person over a larger area.
SNOWSHOES: Snowshoes are specialized outdoor gear for walking over snow. Their large footprint spreads the user's weight out and allows them to travel largely on top of rather than through snow. Adjustable bindings attach them to appropriate winter footwear. The reason for this design is to achieve something called “floatation”, a quality that prevents the foot from sinking into the snow.
Most snowshoes fall into three categories: Flat terrain, Rolling terrain and Mountain terrain. A few models are designed specifically for trail-running, fitness or climbing.
HOW TO DO SNOWSHOEING: Walking on flat or rolling terrain is quite straightforward. In order to avoid overlapping of snowshoe frames, your stride needs to be wider than usual. This may take a bit of getting used to, as it can cause your hips and groin muscles to ache when you begin initially. After a few workouts, your body should get used to the wider steps.
Reduces Depression: During winters, just getting outside and exploring in the snow can be a great way to boost your mood and increase your energy. Studies reveal that time in nature can increase vitality, boost resilience, and stave off depression. Engaging in outdoor sports not only increases dopamine and overall well-being, it also exercises muscles we often forget about.
And a nourishing on-the-mat practice balances that vigorous activity and enhances the mindful impact. Snowshoeing helps in the prevention of seasonal depression. In addition to it contributes as well to a better nights sleep.
Burns Calories: It's a great winter exercise. If you're looking for a way to stay in shape even when the snow falls, snowshoeing is an excellent low-impact aerobic exercise. Skiing and snowboarding can be great ways to enjoy the winter but these sports require a lot of practice, time and money. Snowshoeing, on the other hand, is an easy alternative and has a lot of great health benefits.
Easy Workout: Snowshoeing is easy on your joints and does not involve jumping or running. This is a great option for people with sore knees or anyone that cannot tolerate high impact exercise. Most people burn twice as many calories while snowshoeing than they would burn while walking at the same speed. Snowshoeing is reasonably safe. If you're in good health, snowshoeing is a great exercise option.
Challenging weather conditions can greatly increase the difficulty and safety risks of a snowshoe outing. Before going to Snowshoeing, check with the Local Weather Service for up-to-date information on the mountain and snow conditions you can expect. If you don’t have the skills and experience to deal with adverse weather conditions consider waiting for some other day.
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