Plumeria, also known as frangipani, is a genus of flowering plants in the subfamily Rauvolfioideae, of the family Apocynaceae. Frangipani is usually associated with sensual feelings of romance and love. It is considered sacred as the “Tree of Life”, Frangipani evokes deep internal cleansing that refreshes the body, mind and soul. 


Frangipani Oil is extracted from the flowers of the Plumeria tree either through cold pressing or solvent extraction method. Generally, the most often used method is enfleurage (macerating the flowers in plant fat and replacing the flowers hundreds of times). The fat is then hydro distilled or washed with hexane to remove the scent from the fat. The hexane is then evaporated off and a concrete or absolute of frangipani is left. 

Frangipani is known to alleviate inflammation, headache, back pain, and tinnitus. While the aphrodisiac nature of this aromatic oil relaxes nerves, muscles, and boost libido. Imbued with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits, the frangipani essential oil is beneficial in uplifting overall health and well-being. 

frangipani oil

Most people are familiar with the scent of Frangipani, a plant typically associated with Southeast Asia. Sometimes confused with Jasmine, Frangipani's fragrance is decadently sweet, floral, and evocative of other tropical scents such as coconut. It is known as the best natural perfume in the globe for its sensual and exotic fragrance and widely used to manufacture many skincare products like creams, lotions, and hair care essentials.


  • Gives Relief From Headaches- The anti-inflammatory characteristics of this essential oil provide relief from severe headaches, various muscular aches, and back discomfort 
  • Healthy Skin- frangipani essential oil support healthy collagen production, but it also has deep-cleansing properties and antibacterial properties that keep your skin healthy and clear. 
  • Frangipani's oil has astringent properties. In massage treatment, it's utilised to keep the skin hydrated. The oil keeps the skin smooth and protects it from dryness and cracking. Astringent qualities in this essential oil cause skin cells and bodily tissues to constrict.
  • Contains Antioxidants- Antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties abound in Frangipani oil, making it beneficial to the body's overall health. Antioxidants assist in the removal of free radicals and decrease disease-causing bacteria in the body. 
essential oil
  • Stimulates the Body- As a stimulant, the essential oil helps keep the circulatory, neurological, and other physiological systems in good working order. 
  • Reduces Anxiety and Tensions- The essential oil relieves tension and brings tranquilly to the body. It has a sedative effect, allowing you to have a good night's sleep. It relieves tension by calming the mind. 
  • In a nebuliser
  • In a diffuser or oil burner
  • In spa, baths or inhalation 
Frangipani essential oil blends well with other floral oils and citrus oils like Mandarin, Neroli, Orange, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Rose and Ylang Ylang. 

Frangipani essential oil has emmenagogue properties, hence it should be avoided during pregnancy as it may lead to miscarriage. This oil is best used topically, diluted in a safe carrier oil. Frangipani's flower sap is not your skin's friend. Contact can lead to dermatitis, an itchy and irritating skin reaction. Kids are especially sensitive, and their skin can react more severely. If your child comes into contact with the sap, wash the affected area with soap and water. 
