
Saffron also known as “Kesar” in Hindi, is a spice derived from Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus" a species of a flowering plant. Only golden colored pungent flower threads are collected and dried for use. It is mainly used as a seasoning or colouring agent in food, specially sweet dishes. Saffron does not expire, but it does have a shelf life like other spices. It loses its strong aroma and flavour as it ages and doesn't get preserved. Though India, Greece, Morocco and Spain engage in saffron farming but Iran dominates global saffron production by a wide margin. 

indian spice

Saffron has a sweet floral taste with a tinge of bitterness on the tongue that gives way to delicate earthy, floral and honey notes. Fresh saffron smells a little like sweet hay mixed with freshly mown grass, with a whiff of pepper. This priceless spice gets harmed by direct light, oxygen, dampness, and heat. With only a little exposure, your Saffron will quickly lose its optimum freshness. 

It tastes heavenly when mixed with milk or water and added sugar. It is one of the core ingredients in sweet dishes during winters to keep you warm and energetic. Saffron is a powerful spice and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which can improve heart health, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and protect eye health. 

spiced milk

A clinical trial with patients suffering AMD in Rome has found early indications that treatment with a dietary supplement of saffron may cause damaged eye cells to recover. Saffron contains chemicals that might alter mood, kill cancer cells, decrease swelling, and act like antioxidants. Saffron has selective toxic and preventive effects on cancerous cells and without adverse effects on normal cells and prevents tumor formation. 

Saffron appears to reduce the toxic effects of anticancer drugs. Saffron has toxicity effects when used in high amounts, which are far greater than those are used in human food culture. As per a study published in the Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, it was found that a saffron extract could increase dopamine levels in the brain without changing the levels of other brain hormones. That said, saffron supplements could boost mood and also act as antidepressants. 

weight loss

It has been linked to health benefits, such as improved mood, libido, and sexual function, as well as reduced PMS symptoms and enhanced weight loss. Saffron can aid weight loss by suppressing appetite and reducing cravings. It can also help regulate blood sugar levels and boost metabolism. In culinary applications, saffron is used as a spice to flavor dishes or as natural yellow dye. Outside of food, saffron extracts are used to dye textiles or added to fragrances. Saffron is a common ingredient in Indian, Moroccan and Iranian cuisines. 


One of the most common ways of adding saffron to a dish is to first steep it in water, like a tea. This is an easy method that requires nothing more than time and heat. Saffron is often used to flavor and color milk-based dishes such as rice pudding and milk-based desserts. It is important to note that saffron should be used in moderation, as it has a strong flavor and can also be quite expensive. 



Saffron can only be harvested and processed by hand as its petals must be peeled away gently to collect the delicate saffron threads. Since such a small part of the flower is used, it takes 75,000 saffron flowers to make one pound of saffron spice. The small amount of saffron spice per plant, along with the fact that harvesting must be done manually, leads to saffron's being majorly expensive. An ounce of saffron is valued at more than an ounce of gold. It is unknown exactly where this precious spice originated, but many believe it came from Greece.  

