Pearl is a well-known organic gemstone formed by living creatures such as oysters and mollusks. It can take 7 to 8 years to form a solid Pearl. Pearl is a sign of purity, sensitivity, beauty, compassion, security. Pearl is one of the most magnificent stone used in making jewelries and ornaments. 

Pearls are also believed to signify innocence and faith. The inner glow of pearls is thought to tap inner wisdom and nurture love.

Best worn against the skin in jewelry form, pearls are considered a 'forever stone' that carries their healing properties directly into the wearer's life. Wearing a pearl is believed to strengthen and balance the influence of the Moon in a person's horoscope. It is said to promote emotional well-being, calmness, and mental clarity. Pearls are associated with nurturing and soothing energies.

Pearl is often linked to the moon, which is believed to have a feminine energy associated with nurturing and motherhood. Many healers use Pearls to help balance body rhythms and hormone levels with lunar cycles. It can also help in harmonizing human beings with the natural world. 

Pearls are very helpful in balancing and healing different chakras such as Sacral Chakra, Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra which are found outside your body. Pearls absorb negative energies and protect the aura, aligning with the third eye chakra to enhance intuition and clarity.  Pearls promote emotional stability, equable temperament, and mental peace. 

Pearls bring about an emotional balance to a strained mind. Pearls enhance softness, bodily beauty including the great allure of face and eyes, and tender feelings. Pearls are also excellent for improving mental peace and strength and memory. Pearls are known for their calming and grounding energy, which can help to focus the mind and create a sense of peace and stillness. 

Pearls also promote intuition and boost self-confidence, both of which can be helpful in meditation. A creamy pearl color represents wealth, prosperity, courage, wisdom, success, freedom and sophistication. In Chinese folklore, golden pearls symbolize luck and good fortune for the wearer. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pearls are considered a “Shen” or “Mind,” stabilizer that balances cognitive functions, like thinking, planning and emotion. As such, TCM practitioners frequently prescribe pearls as medicine to treat anxiety, insomnia and mood irregularities.

In terms of clinical application, pearls have been used to treat many diseases and conditions, such as convulsions, epilepsy, palpitations, eye diseases, ulcer diseases, skin diseases, or skin lesions. 

pearl meaning


As per Vedic astrology if you are a native of Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius zodiac signs, you should avoid wearing pearls or any pearl jewelry. It is believed that pearl jewelry may have massive negative consequences on individuals born under these signs and disrupt a variety of facets of their lives.  
