wind chimes healing

Sound healing has ancient roots in cultures all over the world, and can help improve physical and emotional well-being and mental health. The calming sounds bring a healing and restorative effect to many people. Unlike bell that makes a sharp sound, a wind chime on the other hand makes a gentle melodious sound.


The 6 main notes are 

  • 396 Hz : Used for liberating guilt and fear
  • 417 Hz : Used for undoing situations and facilitating change
  • 528 Hz : It is thought to heal DNA
  • 639 Hz : Used for healing relationships
  • 741 Hz : Used for expression and cleansing toxins
  • 852 Hz : It is believed to awakening intuition
wind chime for negative energies

Removing Negative Energies: Wind chimes symbolize good fortune and are used in Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra to suppress ill luck. As per Vastu Shastra, Wind Chimes made from silver, brass, aluminium, bronze, or copper are primarily known for suppressing ill luck and should be placed in should be in the west, north, and northwest direction to bring good fortune, luck, and joy. 
Many people believe that while some wind chimes can deter evil and some can provide healing. 

Brings GoodLuck: As per Feng Shui, Wind chimes bring prosperity and good luck into your home when they're placed in the correct area. Feng shui recommends chimes with 6, 7, 8 or 9 hangings which have to be installed near the front door. 

Six-rod wind chimes are known to attract positive energy or positive chi whereas 8-rod wind chimes help fill spaces with positive energy, good luck, fortune and prosperity. Metallic wind chimes go in the west, north or northwest corner. 

In case the chime is fixed somewhere inside, sufficient airflow has to be ensured so that the pipes sway and produce music. 
wind chime sound peace

Promotes Mental Peace: Tones have a healing effect on our bodies, calm our minds and awaken our spirits. The resonance and vibration of sound releases stress and emotional blockages in the body and calms the mind. The calming of mind expands conscious awareness and connection with spirit. 

The soothing sounds of wind chimes are also thought to promote relaxation and improve sleep Wind River chimes in particular emit a tone and resonance that can have a calming effect, bringing peace to your environment while de-emphasizing unpleasant sounds in your surroundings. 

The most clarity and duration, look for a wind chime with hollow metal tubes. The number and size of the tubes affect note variety. Longer tubes have a lower pitch than shorter tubes, so having a mix of both gives you more variation. Having more tubes also gives your wind chime more notes to play. Some widely-used wind chime materials include bamboo, metal, glass, and wood.

Each material produces a unique sound. Bamboo makes a gentle, soothing sound, and metal is sharper. Wind chimes add peace and tranquility to any space so Enjoy the Sound Healing of Wind Chimes.   
