Strawberry Facial

Facial scars and spots make a person look unattractive, which further leads to depression and loneliness. But you need not to worry, as strawberry facial will resolve this problem by making your skin glow and fresh. Strawberry Facial is as simple as it sounds, facial done using strawberry fruit. Strawberry facial is a type of fruit facial which includes a mix of Strawberries and fresh cream for dry skin or mix Strawberries with Yoghurt for oily skin. 

Strawberries include salicylic acid which helps in reducing dark spots and fades away hyperpigmentation, tightening skin pores and prevents further blemishes from forming. Strawberries works great in exfoliating and removing the dead skin cells that pull your skin down. 



The garden strawberry is a hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries, which is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. Botanists call the strawberry a "false fruit," a pseudocarp and not a berry species. A strawberry is actually a multiple fruit which consists of many tiny individual fruits embedded in a fleshy receptacle. Strawberries are very healthy, low in calories (only about 32 calories per half a cup), containing many antioxidants and vitamins. 


  • Take a few strawberries and mash them in a small bowl. 
  • Add 1 teaspoon of yoghurt or cream or lemon juice to the bowl. 
  • Add some drops of honey to it (optional) 
  • Mix the ingredients well to form a thick mixture. 
  • Apply it evenly on your face and neck. 
  • Let it sit on for about 15-30 minutes. 
  • Rinse it off with cold or lukewarm water. 


Strawberry is full of essential nutrients which works wonder for skin in following ways: 

  1. AntiAgeing Effect: Strawberries include ellagic acid and antioxidants which helps protect your skin from free radicals and damage caused by environmental stressors. It reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and crow feet. 
  2. Brightens Skin Complexion: Strawberries contain AHA which help exfoliate your skin to reveal fresh and glowing skin. 
  3. No More Puffy Eyes: Astringent properties of strawberry soothes the eye area. The AHAs present in strawberry brightens under eye snd keeps skin soft. 
  4. Anti Blemishing Properties: Exfoliating with strawberries help get rid of dead skin cells, leaving you with an even toned complexion. The vitamin C and AHA helps lighten dark spots and blemishes. 
  5. Reduces Acne: Incorporating strawberries in your skincare can really help fight whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. Strawberries are endowed with the goodness of salicylic acid for skin that helps detoxify your pores and keeps breakouts at bay. 
  6. Skin Hydration: The vitamin C present in strawberries helps brighten and nourish your skin. Strawberries help hydrate your skin. It helps ensure soft and supple skin. 
  7. Anti Tan: Strawberries help protect your skin from sun damage and helps remove dark spots or tan caused by sun exposure. The antioxidants present in strawberries help reveal a fresh and glowing complexion. 
  8. Oil Control: Strawberries have the ability to control sebum production hence it moisturise your skin adequately without making it oily. 
  9. Improves Skin Health: Strawberries help boost collagen production which helps improve skin texture. 
  10. Rejuvenates Skin: Strawberries have all the essential nutrients that help thoroughly cleanses your skin and unclogs pores, nourish and heal your skin. Using strawberries for your skin will refresh and rejuvenate your skin.  
fruit facial

Note: If you have any allergies from Strawberry, please do not try this facial or try a patch test before directly applying it on face or neck.   
