gemstone love

Ok so there are so many gemstones or crystals associated with love and romance, but few are actually most popular ones: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby and Moonstone. 


Gemstones are often associated with expressing feelings and when it comes to expressing love and romance, there's no stone more powerful than Rose Quartz. The soft pink hue of this abundant gemstone has long-been associated with romance, and defined its reputation as the Love Stone for thousands of years. Known as “the stone of unconditional love,” rose quartz opens the heart, inspiring self-love while attracting or renewing romantic love. 

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Rose quartz is directly related to the heart chakra, which benefits those born under the zodiac signs of Libra and Taurus. Keeping this stone nearby brings good luck and boosts confidence. Rose Quartz also cleanses the aura and increases positivity, happiness, and abundance around the wearer. 


Diamond is a symbol of purity and is said to enhance the love between couples. Diamonds bring a person close to bliss and love. It helps an individual prosper in both personal and professional life. 

Diamonds offer inner peace. It is believed to boost sexual stamina and is therefore considered important for marital life. Diamond is the gemstone for those who are born under Virgo and Libra as it bestows good luck and prosperity. 

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Other zodiac signs can wear the diamond at certain times and under certain conditions. For example, Capricorn men and women as well as Aquarians can wear the diamond along with a Blue Sapphire. 


In antiquity, rubies were a wedding stone because they symbolize love and passion. Rubies are one of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. They evoke emotions of love, lust and true romance. Rubies are said to bring the wearer love and power, and have long been a symbol of passion, energy and life, stemming from their intense red color. 

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Astrology says that those people whose zodiac signs are Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer and Sagittarius are advised to wear the ruby ​​stone. Wearing this stone gives success in controlling wrong thoughts. The person wearing it gets as bright as the sun and gets success in everything. 


Emerald crystals have been known to attract love and enhance romance.It stimulates the heart chakra, which helps to bring in more love, happiness, and affection into your life. Emerald crystal helps to calm the mind and provide emotional stability. Emerald is known as the Stone of Prosperity. It represents growth and it helps to gain better income options so that people have multiple money earning sources. 

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Usually astrologers recommend emerald for those people who are in banking, finance and share market trading .


Bathed in the divine lunar glow, the Moonstone illuminates the softer and the purer side of love.Its gentle energy brings equilibrium and grace to relationships.For partners lost in anger or despair, Moonstone's divine light peeks through, guiding them back together. 

The connection of Moonstone and astrology is not new, rather has lasted for ages. Moonstone is associated with the powerful planet Moon in astrology. According to astrology, the moon has a direct relationship with the human mind and heart, having a significant impact on your thoughts and emotions. 

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Moonstone is known to attract love and affection, and when placed under the pillow at night it supports peaceful sleep.

Note: It is important to wear gemstones correctly to avoid adverse effects. The procedure includes consulting an astrologer, selecting the right gemstone, ensuring its quality, activating it through purification and mantra recitation, pairing it with the right metal, and wearing it at an auspicious time.  
