Beetroot (Shaljam or Chukandar in Hindi) is a winter vegetable that helps you stay healthy and warm during the cold months. The root veggie can be eaten raw in the form of a cooked, raw salad, boiled or roasted.
Beetroot symbolizes love and beauty and is sacred to the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. Romans used beets as an aphrodisiac. The beetroot corresponds to the heart chakra. Beetroot also balances your root chakra that is responsible for keeping you centered, focused and supports your overall foundation.
In spiritual practices beetroot juice is used to write love spells. The beetroot has a really earthy flavour so they work well for grounding and connected with mother Earth too. It helps to strengthen you emotionally and spiritually when you are around negative energies.
Rudolf Steiner said that “eating beets at a Full Moon will kill any worms that one might have. The effects of the root of any plant are stronger during a Full Moon.” According to Chinese medicine, beetroot feed our blood, regulate qi circulation, and tonify heart qi which calms the mind and spirit and aids sleep.
These superfoods improve your health by getting rid of toxic metal substances from the body and cleansing the pineal gland. They are amazing cancer fighters. Not only does beetroot benefit our physical health, it can also help with reducing stress and anxiety. Uridine, a substance which helps maintain normal dopamine levels, is found in many beets and helps regulate brain health and controls the brain's reward, emotion, and pleasure centers.
Beetroot can increase energy too. Some athletes even drink beet juice before exercising to improve their performance. A 2022 meta-analysis notes that nitrate from beetroot juice lowered systolic blood pressure in adults with hypertension. Nitrates are compounds in beet juice that convert into nitric oxide in the blood and help widen and relax blood vessels. Nitrates may also lower blood pressure which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Mental and cognitive functions naturally decline with age, which can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like dementia. The nitrates in beets may improve brain function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain which may improve mental and cognitive function.
The electroencephalographic brain waves measured as part of a study showed an increase in slow oscillatory activity on the night when patients drank beetroot juice at bedtime, a sign of increased sleep depth. Beetroots are a great source of nutrients and including them in the diet will help maintain hormonal balance.
You can use beetroot for hair growth also, owing to the carotenoids present in it, which allows for better blood circulation in the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles from within. The nutrients present in the beetroot are protein, vitamin A and calcium which helps to ensure healthy growth of the hair.
Whole beets are low in calories and high in fibre, which can support regularity, slow stomach emptying, and prolong satiety to support weight management Beetroot and beet greens have been shown to benefit lung function, relax blood pressure and optimize oxygen intake, all of which can help someone struggling to breathe.
Beets are also packed with vitamins and nutrients that promote lung health, like magnesium and potassium. A mixture of carrot juice, either with spinach, beet or cucumber juice, works effectively in curing migraine Beet is linked to the improvement of a variety of conditions, especially for anemia.
While there are no official guidelines on recommended daily intake, a cup of beet juice a day is typically harmless. Consuming beetroot may help deal with irregular period problems and their symptoms. Beetroot contains a high amount of folic acids and iron that help increase haemoglobin level in the blood. beetroot helps in whole body detoxification because of the betaine it contains, which helps prevent and/or reduce fatty deposits in the liver and other body parts.
Caution: A study revealed that beetroot juice exacerbates asthma by enhancing airway inflammation. Patients having asthma or a history of asthma are advised to avoid the consumption of beetroot. Individuals with low metabolism, Low blood pressure patient, Stone related patients, Allergic problems, Diabetic Patients should avoid drinking beetroot juice as it might affect the process of urination and cause beeturia. However, if such an issue appears, contact your healthcare person or ayurvedic physician and get it addressed as early as possible .
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