Cow Ghee is a type of clarified butter, originating from India. It is commonly used for cooking, as a traditional medicine, and for religious rituals. Cow Ghee contains the amino acid tryptophan which promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety.
It also contains antioxidants that help to protect against the damaging effects of stress. Cow Ghee helps to improve the quality of your sleep. In the scriptures Cow Ghee has been equated to gold.
It is one of the most sattvic foods and regular consumption of Cow Ghee leads to a reduction in stress and anxiety levels.
Anxiety is a sad reality of today’s time that has plagued a number of us in a variety of different ways. Most of the people don’t even realize they have anxiety or don’t take corrective measures until it amplifies and gets out of control.
Ayurveda believes that a lot of mental health or anxiety disorders can be helped by intake or application of good quality fats, especially Cow Ghee. Cow Ghee attracts toxic elements in the body and helps in cleansing the body of harmful stuff.
You can include desi Cow Ghee in your daily diet easily but here is a trick to calm down your anxiety instantly. This is done by dipping a clean finger in Cow Ghee and enter into each nostril, lubricating the nasal passage with gentle massage.
Apart from rejuvenating the body, desi cow ghee also helps detoxify our mind. Ayurveda suggests that Cow Ghee with some herbs do magic in remedy mental disorder conditions due to Veta and as a key ingredient, it’s sweet taste nourishes the nerve tissue and brain.
Beyond maintaining a healthy mind, desi cow ghee is also recommended for anxiety, depression, dementia, insanity, fit and other disorders of consciousness.
It has also been found to be a good therapy tool in order to cleanse and release negative toxins from the body and it has been credited for acting as a catalyst for the brain's release of higher serotonin levels (the happy chemical) and also increases brain motor function.
The Ayurvedic masters of ancient India believed old ghee could regenerate brain cells, and this is an area worthy of another study with the rise of Alzheimer’s today. One of the most significant ayurvedic benefits of Cow Ghee is it helps in improving metabolism. This will greatly improve your mood while also adding to your energy levels and helping you lose weight.
According to Ayurveda, there is a brain and gut connection when gets affected leads to by-products of poor digestion that are considered harmful to the body and overall well-being. If such harmful toxins get into the general circulation and penetrate deep into certain tissues this can create a mess with systematic functioning of the bodily systems.
Hence, the butyric acid present in Cow Ghee promotes an optimal gut environment for a wholesome intestinal immune response as well as also providing fat as fuel to the cells of the large intestine.
It is believed to promote mental clarity, enhance spiritual awareness, and encourage the balance of mind, body, and spirit. Cow Ghee is often used in spiritual rituals and offerings to connect with the divine, and its consumption is believed to support overall well-being and harmony.
Cow Ghee is revered beyond its culinary uses; the yellow substance is considered sacred. It is widely used in religious rituals and traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Cow Ghee even serves as lamp fuel, especially during the Diwali Festival.
Clarified butter or Cow Ghee made with cow's milk is considered good for health, and it also has importance in astrology. If you donate Cow Ghee during Pitru Paksha (Ancestor's spirits time of coming on earth), it will have a positive impact on your family, reduce tiffs between your loved ones, and establish peace at home.
Cow Ghee has been used in rituals since the Vedic period and Cow Ghee is poured into sacred fires by Hindus to this day, a practice thought to be auspicious for marriages, funerals and other ceremonies. Ancient Sanskrit literature describes Cow Ghee as fit for the gods.
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