Cord cutting is a powerful spiritual practice designed to help individuals disconnect from unhealthy relationships or draining emotional dynamics. It's about breaking free from the detrimental bonds that link us to other people or events, allowing us to reclaim our energy and focus it on personal growth and healing.
Cording is the sharing of energy between two individuals who have had a strong emotional or physical connection. Two people who are corded can have brief telepathic connections between them. De-cording is an energetic process of cutting the cords between you and another person.
It's not always as easy as “let go and move on” after your relationship with a loved one, friend, or romantic partner has come to a close. It is the act of consciously releasing or severing an emotional or psychological tie to a person, situation, or thought pattern that is causing distress or negative feelings.
- Soul level cords: These are cords of love and they cannot be cut. These are soul level connections which share just love between each other. They do not harm the person.
- Personality or karmic cords: Karmic or negative cords are created when we experience a traumatic event that has affected you deeply on the emotional level. These are cords that can exert unnecessary influence on each other. Under a modern clinical lens, however, karmic relationships may be considered unhealthy, and in some cases, potentially abusive
- Root Chakra: Past lives from ancestors, traumas, people who have been with for many lives, family
- Sacral Chakra: Sexual relationships, emotions
- Soar Plexus Chakra: Power struggles, fear, attachments
- Heart Chakra: Matters of the heart impact here, different for each, pets
- Throat Chakra: Communication with yourself and others
- Third Eye Chakra: Energy cords attached to your logic or wisdom, insight to things
- Crown Chakra: This is the place of most earth bound spirit attachments
- Visualization: Sit in a peaceful, quiet place, and close your eyes. Imagine the cord that connects you to the person whom you wish to be released from. Then, visualize yourself holding a pair of scissors and cutting the cord, letting the connection fade back into darkness.
- Picture your ex's energy flowing away from you, while your home and body fill with nothing but positivity and love. Doing this whenever you feel your ex's spirit in your home can dramatically improve your headspace and help you maintain a positive environment.
- If you cut a physical cord during your ritual, burn the pieces of the cord in a fireproof container and release the ashes in the wind or in the trash.
- Spiritual Bath can also help release negative thoughts, karmic cords and bring balance in mind and body.
- Smudging: The ritual of cleansing with smoke is one that purifies the energetic body and helps to re-establish connection with the Divine.
- Journaling: Write out everything that you have been wanting to say to another person. Don’t hold back. Share your frustrations and your desires. After you are complete you may choose to burn the writing as a symbol of release.
- If you feel the spiritual need to end your session cathartically, go into nature and find a long stick. Break it in half as you recite your affirmation, then leave the pieces on the ground and walk away without looking back.
- Cutting a cord can immensely improve a relationship – parent-child, romantic relationships, past relationships, friends, and siblings.
- It makes any relationship healthier.
- It helps by removing any unhealthy habits between people in a relationship like co-dependency etc.
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